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Posts tagged ‘cactus wren’

Cactus Wren Fledgling


Looking out my dining room window this morning, I see a couple of Cactus Wrens and their fledglings. This baby posed on top of my most recent garden sculpture addition. It is a scene I was hoping for when I bought this red-eyed bird from artist Joan Waters. So cute! Read more

Sounds of Spring

Cactus Wrens and other birds have been nest building for the last few weeks and I’ve been hearing lots of peeps/chirps recently. It reminded me of a photo I took last year up in the North Access area of the Preserve. I set my compact camera to shoot an exposure bracket sequence of three shots; turned off my flash (didn’t want to freak the babies out!) and positioned the camera slightly inside the nest opening. I then used Photomatix to blend the exposures. Not perfect or in sharp focus but very cool! (By the way…..I had second thoughts afterward about disturbing them so I haven’t done it again).