Tag Archives: ezpixels


I’m learning Adobe InDesign at the moment and was very happy to receive (free) 30 days of unlimited access to Lynda.com. This website has video instruction for an incredible number of software titles. The instructors are top in their fields. Access for a month is only $25 which is a great deal since you can check out any of the other topics if you want. Below are the titles I’m working through. Why? I want to create a book from scratch.

gambel’s quail nest

gamble’s quail nest
I noticed this quail nest in my little gardening enclosure more than a month ago and had hoped to photograph the eggs hatching but missed it. There were 11 eggs but only 10 hatched. So far we haven’t seen the chicks but Quail moms are very protective so we usually don’t see them for awhile.
gamble’s quail eggs
As you can see, Gambel’s Quail don’t make elaborate nests. There is usually just a depression in the ground making them very vulnerable to snakes and Roadrunners who both love to eat the eggs and baby chicks. Click here for more information on Gambel’s Quail.

Red Soldier Beetle

Rhagonycha fulva
The best and most fun part of this Spring has been identifying flowers, plants and insects for my photo a day. This beetle turns out to be a common Red Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva). Not so common to me but maybe they will be by this time next year. They apparently really like to eat New Mexico Thistles (shown) and find it a good location for a love connection 🙂