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Posts from the ‘Utah’ Category

Rochester Creek Panel

The Rochester Panel is the most exciting panel I’ve visited. It is more remote than most sites but if you love rock art, it is well worth the trip. It’s said to be a combination of Barrier Canyon, Freemont and Ute styles. Besides the many really interesting figures (some very alien-like), there is also a rainbow about 4 feet tall. The very light colored area half way up is a result of people trying to remove the Petroglyphs 🙁

Photographing this panel straight on is tough because you can only get about 3 feet away from it. My camera and lens at the time (2003) was the Canon 10D and Canon 24-70mm lens. The 24-70 is a very sharp lens but I knew the only way to get the kind of resolution I wanted was to take the photo in sections so I shot two rows of 7 images (handheld) and then used the panorama tool in Photoshop to put them together. I regret not including the sky at top and more of the sides but I’ll go back one of these days.

Sego Canyon Pictographs

This image shows another of my passions….Rock Art! This huge panel is in Sego Canyon, Utah and is made up of Pictographs which are painted on instead of being etched out as Petroglyphs are. Lucky for us the dyes last so long. I added contrast using Photoshop which makes the art more visible.

Sunflower Hill

Here’s another of my favorite infrareds. The Sunflower Hill Bed and Breakfast in Moab, Utah is one of the most special places we’ve ever stayed and I felt infrared would show off its charm perfectly. This was taken in 2003 with my Minolta Dimage 7. Shortly after, they put in a hot tub on the side lawn which took away a lot of the charm in my opinion but it’s still a great place with fabulous breakfasts!

Turret Arch sunrise

In an effort to learn photography, but mainly as a way to see the West, I attended a lot of photography workshops when I moved to Arizona. As a result, I’ve captured many iconic scenes at sunrise such as this view of Turret Arch in Arches National Park (Oct 2001). I’m glad I attended those workshops back then or I wouldn’t have some most of my best sunrise shots!