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Posts tagged ‘wildflower’

Richardson’s Geranium

A single Richardson’s Geranium bloom captured on Schultz Creek Trail. Handheld with my Canon 7D, 180 Macro lens. ISO 800, f/11 at 1/250th.

Pine White

Yesterday I posted a shot of a White that had me puzzled because of the orange markings. As it turned out, that coloration identifies the female of the species. Today, I’m posting a shot of the male Pine White. He’s enjoying nectar from a Cutleaf Coneflower.

Doubting Mariposa Lily

A couple of my Flagstaff friends had identified this as a Sego Lily but because of deeper color in the center and the elevation where we saw it, I didn’t think so. We put our heads together with some experts on higher elevation plants and found out I was right to question it. It is a Doubting Mariposa Lily as I thought. Cool 🙂

Canadian White Violet

This was the first Wildflower that greeted my Meetup Group last Saturday. I had never seen a Canadian White Violet so I was on my belly in almost a split second photographing it 🙂

Violet Snapdragon

There is nothing more exciting for this wanna-be botanist than to find a species I’ve never seen before. It doesn’t happen much anymore because I’m exploring in the Preserve so often but I was lucky this past Saturday. While looking for another species, I came across a Violet Snapdragon (Sairocarpus nuttallianus) growing right next to the one I had been looking for! Of course I had no idea what it was so I went to my main source, Steve Jones, and he came through as always. Thanks Steve! And thanks to Chris for helping me hike back up to get a better look yesterday. (It’s a very steep trail)

What look like hairs all over the plant are actually tiny tack-like glands. Very cool.

A Sweet Volunteer

In gardening and botanical terminology, a volunteer is a plant that grows on its own rather than being deliberately planted. This volunteer is called Sweetbush (Bebbia juncea) and it’s one of my favorites. First because it’s a very drought tolerant native but mostly because it has curly stamens 🙂  I used Photoshop to convert to Black and White.

Blackfoot Daisy

When our last frost hit, wildflowers had already started sprouting and most were knocked back down. Disappointing but there are some flowers that survived…… like Blackfoot Daisies, for instance. This one is in my yard but I’ve already spotted several in the North Access of the Preserve. We had a wonderful soft rain all day yesterday which will be great for these and other flowers still to come. Captured with 100mm macro and 25mm extension tube.

Goodings Verbena

We spotted this lone Goodings Verbena on Thursday in Camp Creek area.