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Posts from the ‘Utah’ Category

Our Navigator

Although we do have a Garmin Navigator, Cloe does a really good job of showing us the right roads to take. Both she and Cleo love RVing and have requested to go to places like CATalina, the CATskills and CATmandu 🙂

Here’s Cloe in HDR. Happy Halloween!

Zion Maple Triptych

On our latest trip, I was determined to take time to really work a subject when I found a pleasing one. With these wonderful leaves, I got close, closer and super close. Because I was using a fixed focal lens (Canon 180 Macro), I used my feet to change position. Shooting in the shade resulted in very saturated color so all I did was add slight contrast and sharpening.

Zion Maples

Yesterday, my friend Richard and I hiked down off the main road into the wash and followed it in and out of slot canyons. The scenery was VERY cool and there was lots of color. This HDR shot was taken on the way down to the bottom.

Watchman and Virgin River

The weather did not cooperate for my shot of the Watchman at Zion National Park so I shot in HDR once again. I might not have the sunset shot everyone strives for but I really like how this turned out!

Lower Pine Creek Falls

Lower Pine Creek Falls in Zion National Park. Another challenging (got wet) but extremely worthwhile hike. No sun so I shot in HDR which worked really well to brighten everything up. Please overlook the over-sharpening. (Note Chris at top right).

Watchman Campground

A break in the rain presents a photo opportunity.
Canon SX1 IS converted to B/W with Topaz Detail.

Entering Zion

It’s still raining. A challenge but I’m up for it 🙂
DroidX image through windshield.

Goblin Valley

During one of our Utah road trips, we took an unscheduled detour to check out Goblin Valley. It was out of the way and we would only have a little over an hour to check it out but we had never been and might never be in this area again so we went. It was totally worth the extra driving! It was incredible and unlike anywhere we’d ever been. Now we can’t wait to go back to explore. Our first impression? “Scrubbing Bubbles” 🙂