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McDowell Sonoran Preserve groundbreaking

Gateway Groundbreaking
The much anticipated groundbreaking for the Gateway to the McDowell Sonoran Preserve was held yesterday morning. Pictured from left to right are Len Marcisz (MSC board member), Carla (long time conservation advocate), Betty Drake (councilwoman), Jamie Drinkwater Buchanan (former Mayor Drinkwater’s daughter), Mary Manross (Scottsdale’s Mayor), Art Decabooter (president of SCC) and Jane Rau (MSC board member). Behind them is councilman Tony Nelssen on one of his mules.

Photo FYI: Canon 40D and Sigma 18-200mm lens. Shooting into the sun was a challenge. I converted to black and white to give it a journalistic look.


This photo shows why Painopepla are mistakenly called “black cardinals”. FYI:They love mistletoe berries and are responsible for spreading it to other trees. My goal is to catch one in the act but no luck so far. This is a grab shot of one resting in the Ocotillo outside our front door. (Captured with my Canon point and shoot at 200mm).