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Posts tagged ‘Wildflowers’

Sego Lily

On my list of wildflowers to scout for while in Flagstaff was the Sego Lily so I was thrilled to discover this one on the Aspen Nature Loop. The wind had really picked up and the flower was in the shade so I knew I would need crank up the ISO to capture it while it was swaying. (ISO 800. Canon 70-200@98, 1/3200 sec@ f/10).

Prairie Smoke

Wildflowers are coming out in force in the Flagstaff area and will continue through the summer. I hiked a fairly new trail with a friend yesterday called the Aspen Nature Loop which is accessed from the same parking area as the Humphrey’s Peak Trail. We found well over 30 species! I’ll feature some of my favorites during this week. Unlike the majority of our desert flowers, you don’t need a magnifying glass to see them. Prairie Plume (Geum triflorum

high elevation flowers

Living in Arizona, we have the luxury of being in a different climate in just an hour or two so it’s very easy to escape the heat. Payson is at about 5000 feet and is only one and a half hours away. With a little hiking, you’re up over 6500 feet. Besides enjoying the cool air, Flora and Fauna are different at elevation so it’s a real treat. Today’s post is of three higher elevation flowers. 1. Yellow Salsify 2. Deer’s Ears aka Elkweed and 3. Pussytoes. There were many other flowers but I was focused on Butterflies that day.