Raindrops on Aspen Leaf
Raindrops on a tiny Aspen leaf. Shot with Canon 90mm Tilt/Shift lens.
Oct 15
Raindrops on a tiny Aspen leaf. Shot with Canon 90mm Tilt/Shift lens.
Jul 9
A hiker stopped as I was photographing this Fungus on the Viet Springs Trail this morning and he asked if I knew what kind it was. I replied I had no clue! I did a little research and came to realize I will have to continue to call them just Fungus 🙂
Jun 5
I eagerly await Rainier Cherry season every year and the time has come! Before I eat even one, though, I bring out a macro lens and take photos because if I don’t shoot first, there probably would be none left to photograph later….yum 🙂
A 100mm lens with 1.4x teleconverter makes the stem look like a tree trunk!
Apr 21
Two blooms opened yesterday on my Torch cactus. An apropos common name for this gorgeous cactus. More blooms to come, I hope!
Apr 14
Lots of Desert Holly (Acourtia nana) is surfacing on the Brown’s Ranch trail. This photo makes them look to be easy to find but they are TINY! Although they can reach 8 inches tall, they are typically much smaller in our area. The leaves we’re seeing are only a couple of inches tall. The flowers are especially difficult to see so…if you hike the trail in the next few days, look very closely on the sides of the trail….especially beneath Creosote or trees.
Apr 4
Scouting my yard for a photo of the day, I noticed my Candelilla (Euphorbia antisyphilitica) is finally starting to bloom. Yea! I was worried it wouldn’t bloom this year but several stalks are filled with blooms right now. The flowers are so small most people don’t even notice them when they pass the plant. To reveal its complexities, I used a Canon 100mm Macro lens. Who knew! CLICK HERE to read about this plant’s interesting properties.
Nov 19
We encountered this magnificent Cottonwood tree along the trail to Lower Pine Creek Falls in Zion. It’s very close to the creek so the roots are being bared a little more each time it overflows making the tree twist and turn to survive. Richard and I stopped and photographed it for quite awhile making Chris wonder what happened to us 🙂
Taken with my Canon 10-22m lens which can produce great wide angle macros.
Oct 30
On our latest trip, I was determined to take time to really work a subject when I found a pleasing one. With these wonderful leaves, I got close, closer and super close. Because I was using a fixed focal lens (Canon 180 Macro), I used my feet to change position. Shooting in the shade resulted in very saturated color so all I did was add slight contrast and sharpening.
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