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Paleo Apple Crisp

I made this APPLE CRISP yesterday afternoon, took a few bites and then covered it with foil hoping it would last til Thanksgiving. Here is what I saw this morning! Since I know it wasn’t the cats, someone else obviously thought it was delicious too 🙂

Note: I added finely chopped walnuts to the topping which wasn’t crisp but it didn’t matter. And anticipating questions from my cat friends….I bought the little Kitty Angels about 20 years ago and each has a name and edition number on it but no artist name, unfortunately. I would have bought more!

  1. Carol Budrow #

    Looks yummy!! Don’t think I would have left that much on the plate! Happy Thanksgiving!!

    November 23, 2011
  2. Carol Dillon #

    Looks delicious but I’m looking for the recipie!

    November 25, 2011

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