Flagstaff Part Six-Scenics
Landscape photography is not something I do very often. I’m always happy when I do, though, so I’m consciously trying to remember to do more. This post features some views I remembered to take!
One of my favorite photo outings in Flagstaff is driving the 40 mile Wupatki Loop. I typically start at the North end so I can catch all the ruins in early light. The first image below is an in-camera panorama taken with my Fuji X-E1.
Next is a shot of the Inner Basin switchback trail that’s accessed from Lockett Meadow. My favorite trail for fungi!

Wildflowers were few and far between. Aspen Corner and Humphrey’s Peak meadow had a good amount, though.
Every afternoon, you could get a spectacular view of storms moving in from the Humphrey’s Peak Parking lot.
That’s it from my July trip to Flagstaff. My next trip up is fast approaching!
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I’ve been enjoying the trip-report Marianne. Six entertaining instalments, and looking forward to the August trip.
By the way, your fungi photos inspired me to get out last Sunday to look for the various mushrooms, fungi, molds etc. in my own area. There’s such a variety when you start to look more closely.
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit, Peter! I’m really flattered. I’m so glad to know I inspired you too and look forward to seeing your images. My goal this next trip (after I made a good document photo) is to spend more time creatively. I’ve been inspired by some incredibly beautiful images! My guess is you’d be great at that.
I confess my only way of dealing with the stress G+ was causing me has been to stay away completely. I’ve really missed seeing your images but my time off has helped so I plan to start visiting. Please know that a plus one from me means so much more 🙂
You’ve been busy writing all this up! I’m so pleased you posted bugs as I can relate to them better than fungi. The bugs and moths are fantastic – particularly liked the spiky flies and the moths are amazing. Your pareidolia faces will never bore me so post away 😉 and the landscapes are great too. What amazes me is your wildflowers. They are huge! Nothing discreet about them. What I forget is that many of my stunning garden plants are natives of the US….. 🙂
Enjoyed your last 3 instalments and look forward to seeing more. Have a great time back there again!
I have been busy! It made me realize I need to post from the road so you will see another post in a couple of days 🙂
I totally understand your comment regarding bugs. I have the same love so you can count on seeing many more! I need to remember to use my flash, though. The rain and dreary light wouldn’t have been so evident. And I’m so happy you like my Pareidolia 🙂
I’m hoping to show you many more wildflowers this trip!
Thanks so much for commenting, Mandy. Please read my reference to G+ in my comment to Peter. Same goes for your images.
Funnily enough I’m having a little break from G+ myself, although it is hard when emails keep coming in from there! I’m off out today, up to the coast, but will check out your Youtube videos tomorrow to find the one(s) of the butterfly eclosing, unless you give me a link here first – I’ll see the reply in an email. If you are busy travelling don’t worry about it. At some point I will talk to you about the complicated technical side of setting these things up! 🙂