That’s Fall Folks!
You might find a red Maple leaf here and there but Sedona’s fall color is pretty much done. I had a great time and really look forward to next year!
Nov 2
You might find a red Maple leaf here and there but Sedona’s fall color is pretty much done. I had a great time and really look forward to next year!
Nov 1
I’ve spent 10 days camping next to Oak Creek and now it’s time to go home…darn. Here’s a parting shot from Oak Creek which is just steps from my campsite. This campground is so popular, I just made reservations for next fall! (I wanted to be sure to get a spot on Oak Creek). Fall color or not, I can’t wait 🙂 See more of my Sedona fall photos on my G+ page.
Oct 30
By the time we got to Pumphouse Wash this morning, it was in the mid 30s so we were hoping to find more frost. There wasn’t much but to make up for it, there was ice on the puddles! I don’t have any experience shooting it but I did manage to get a couple of images to work including this one.
Oct 21
I’m especially looking forward to photographing reflections because you never know what you’ll get! I tend to like shooting a very slow shutterspeeds for swipes of color. This was taken in between giving it just a slight painterly look. 1/50th second at f/13.
Oct 20
Getting inspired by old fall photos from West Fork Trail. (Shot in 2001 with my Minolta Dimage 7.)
Oct 17
I’m heading to Sedona in a few days and wishing and hoping for some fall color but if not, I can always fall back on Infrared! The young couple in the background is at L’Auberge de Sedona which is right across Oak Creek from my campground…..a Gorgeous and very romantic setting. I sometimes encounter people eating breakfast by the creek and I’m sure they think I’m spying on them 🙂
Oct 7
Photographers who go to Zion National Park probably end up with dozens (or even hundreds!) of this quintessential view of the Watchman. How can we resist?! It was overcast and drizzling when I got this shot but I added a few textures to age it a bit and I ended up with something a little different.
Sep 29
Photographing reflections is so much fun because you never know what you’ll get. At first, you probably won’t even see them but once you shoot a few, your eye becomes trained to recognize reflections immediately and you’ll start looking for them everywhere. The colors here are from the blue sky and green trees with a slight bit of orange from the canyon walls. I like shooting both to freeze the motion, which gives a glass-like look, and using a slow shutter speed such as this one. Tip: The best time to get good reflections is very early or very late in the day. This is a hand held shot of Virgin River at .5 second and f/22.
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