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Posts from the ‘Sonoran Desert’ Category

Gila Monster

Monster is right! He hissed and snarled at us as we were trying our best to photograph him and gather data for the Reptile survey. CLICK HERE if you want more information about this dangerous creature. Be sure to click the link on the page that features the sounds the Gila Monster makes. It’s exactly what we heard! This is only the third time I’ve seen one in the wild in the sixteen years we’ve lived here. It was exciting 🙂

Black-tailed Rattlesnake

Yesterday I had the privilege of spending the day with Herp expert Bryan Hughes. With permission from the City of Scottsdale, we roamed a wash and within two hours we came across a female Crotalus molossus aka Black-tailed Rattlesnake. I’ve only ever seen Diamondbacks around here so it was a real treat. Doubly so since Bryan said he rarely sees them! He said she was an old female and she might be filled with babies. Since the snake was facing Bryan, I’m guessing he got a fantastic shot. I didn’t want to move so I was happy with this view 🙂

Gall Wasp

I found these and several other Galls on Sonoran Scrub Oak leaves yesterday. (CLICK HERE) for my first sighting in 2009. Cool, aren’t they?!

Fruit Fly

Here’s another shot from our rainy day Monday. This fly on the Blackfoot Daisy was about an 1/8th of an inch long. I used my 100mm Macro with a 25mm extension tube to capture him and then cropped the image to enlarge him more. I haven’t been able to ID him yet but based on his patterned wings, green eyes and especially his size, my guess is he’s a fruit fly of some kind. I don’t have fruit trees so maybe he was just getting a drink of water 🙂

Poppy Dreams

Infrared capture of Poppies ( 2008). Only memories this year……darn it. (Converted Canon 5D and 15mm lens).

Herping 101

Besides being part of the Flora survey for the Preserve, I also decided to take part in the Herpetological survey. As part of the training class, we were encouraged to show we weren’t afraid of snakes by handling a small Gopher snake. In this photo, Mike had just handed the snake to Tom when the snake decided to go elsewhere. Thankfully, our teacher was right there to re-direct him and we all had a chance to hold this beauty. (Like the Flora Survey, the Herp Survey will be conducted over a 3 year period so stay tuned for my sightings of any and all reptiles during that time 🙂

Camp Creek

My 3 friends had never been to Camp Creek and later confessed they thought I was exaggerating about the amount of water. Now it’s their favorite place too 🙂
for photos of the falls from two years ago.

Goodings Verbena

We spotted this lone Goodings Verbena on Thursday in Camp Creek area.