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Black-tailed Rattlesnake

Yesterday I had the privilege of spending the day with Herp expert Bryan Hughes. With permission from the City of Scottsdale, we roamed a wash and within two hours we came across a female Crotalus molossus aka Black-tailed Rattlesnake. I’ve only ever seen Diamondbacks around here so it was a real treat. Doubly so since Bryan said he rarely sees them! He said she was an old female and she might be filled with babies. Since the snake was facing Bryan, I’m guessing he got a fantastic shot. I didn’t want to move so I was happy with this view 🙂

  1. Steve Jones #

    I love these guys! I was camping at Four Peaks once, sitting in my sleeping bag at dawn, and one came by about 5 feet away, took a look (and a taste of the air), and went on his way. Maybe her way…

    March 27, 2011
  2. Hey Marianne, you were on the right side of this lady for photography. Mine are all shadows, haha. I should say as well that I think I meant “rarely seen” in that most people don’t see them often because they’re no great travelers. I’m lucky enough to see them somewhat often because they’re usually what I’m out looking for to begin with. I’ll put up the other side on my blog one of these days. I’m hoping she drops those babies soon so we can go back and see them.

    March 27, 2011

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