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Posts from the ‘Birds’ Category

Canyon Wren

I finally saw a Canyon Wren up close and personal yesterday! I was hiking in the north access area of the Preserve with several of my bird enthusiast friends and when we heard a Canyon Wren call (very distinctive!), one of the guys used an iPhone app to call back to him. They had conversation going for quite a while 🙂 P&S zoomed into 560mm equivalent. Grainy and not very sharp but I’m happy to have it!

Three’s Company

During a hike yesterday morning, I met a couple who told me about a Great Horned Owl and 3 babies in their neighborhood. I was over there that afternoon! Mother Owl wasn’t there and the three Owlets waited 2 1/2 hours to become active. It was getting dark but I upped my ISO and hung in there for this shot. A little help from Photoshop to open up the shadows on the two in the back. (Canon 60D, 70-200 at 200mm. ISO 1250, 1500th sec @ f/6.3)


On a recent hike, I came across a mother Owl with 3 Owlets. What a treat! Only one of the babies was turned toward me but I could see the other two moving. I was carrying my Canon Compact camera that day and thought it did a great job considering how far away I was.

Sounds of Spring

Cactus Wrens and other birds have been nest building for the last few weeks and I’ve been hearing lots of peeps/chirps recently. It reminded me of a photo I took last year up in the North Access area of the Preserve. I set my compact camera to shoot an exposure bracket sequence of three shots; turned off my flash (didn’t want to freak the babies out!) and positioned the camera slightly inside the nest opening. I then used Photomatix to blend the exposures. Not perfect or in sharp focus but very cool! (By the way…..I had second thoughts afterward about disturbing them so I haven’t done it again).


Yet another rainstorm last night gave us dramatic light late yesterday. I was enjoying the navy blue skies when this Cardinal flew into my scene. He played peekaboo for about 5 minutes and then left. Out of about a dozen images, this was the only one where his head wasn’t totally obscured. Not very sharp focus but there’s a catch light in his eye so I decided it was a keeper. Besides…I needed a photo for today 🙂

Love in the Air

In search of birds yesterday morning, we came across many pairs of Cactus Wrens. I assumed they were in the courting stage but toward the end of the hike, we heard baby birds chirping as one of the adults entered a nest. Definite signs of Spring! Happy Valentine’s Day all 🙂

Bunny For Breakfast

I spotted two Harris’s Hawks on a light pole across from the Post Office yesterday morning….got one quick shot of the two of them but then looked down momentarily and missed the one flying away. I had looked down to check my LCD because I could tell they had something between them and wanted a closer look. I couldn’t tell what it was, though, and even on my computer monitor it’s tough to be sure but it looks very much like a Cottontail leg. In case you’re wondering, I don’t typically have my long lens with me but before I left for the PO, I had been looking at Art Morris’ website and was inspired to capture a bird that day. Luck favors the prepared! 🙂

Captured hand held (braced on my 4Runner roof) with a Canon 300mm f/4 IS.

Down Vest

Gambel’s Quail fluffing up this morning to stay warm.