When first installing landscaping around my house, I was determined to plant only flora that were native to our area. However, there isn’t much that blooms for any length of time so I also planted Lantana for color. It didn’t take long before I started seeing Butterflies visiting and feeding on the flowers and in no time I developed a passion for photographing Butterflies! I wanted to find more!

Searching for Butterflies with CAZBA
Someone suggested I check out a local butterfly group (cazba). When I did, I was excited to see their list of great looking outings. What better way to find butterflies than to tag along with people who know how to find them. Duh! I joined their group, of course.
By the end of that first outing (2009), I became enlightened to the secret to finding butterflies. You simply go to places where butterflies lay their eggs. The most interesting thing I learned that day, though, was how specific each species of Butterfly is as to where they lay their eggs! Read more