Holiday Light Displays
You’re probably tired of seeing them but I never tire of moving my camera while shooting holiday lights. Swing your camera, doe-see-doe 🙂
Dec 21
You’re probably tired of seeing them but I never tire of moving my camera while shooting holiday lights. Swing your camera, doe-see-doe 🙂
Nov 28
Every year, Sedona’s Los Abrigados hotel puts on a spectacular light display called Red Rock Fantasy to benefit local charities. Last night, we experienced the best display ever! As you can see, I prefer shaking and/or zooming my camera at the lights. The varying movement of the lights is controlled by the direction I move my camera. No tripod. ISO ranged from 200 to 800 with shutterspeeds from 1/8th sec to 3 seconds. To see more images, check my Holiday Album on Google Plus. Fun 🙂
Oct 6
We have very few rainy days here so when one comes along, I enjoy every moment 🙂
Sep 29
Photographing reflections is so much fun because you never know what you’ll get. At first, you probably won’t even see them but once you shoot a few, your eye becomes trained to recognize reflections immediately and you’ll start looking for them everywhere. The colors here are from the blue sky and green trees with a slight bit of orange from the canyon walls. I like shooting both to freeze the motion, which gives a glass-like look, and using a slow shutter speed such as this one. Tip: The best time to get good reflections is very early or very late in the day. This is a hand held shot of Virgin River at .5 second and f/22.
Sep 13
My meetup group has an at home assignment related to experimenting with shutterspeed. Especially long exposures can give some interesting results such as this image. It’s water splashing over rocks in a creek. The green is grass on the banks. Pretty cool.
Sep 12
I had a very disappointing visit to the Phoenix Zoo this morning….photographically, that is. It’s been many years since I’ve been and many of the exhibits have changed making them no longer photography friendly. The animals probably love their new enclosures but there are many more barriers putting them farther away and worse is that many exhibits are now behind heavily fingerprinted and scratched plexiglass. I should say, though, that the majority of the visitors were families with young children who had no absolutely no complaints!
Sep 2
Check out a book I just created on Blurb called FORESTS IN MOTION. It’s full of creative blurs of my favorite subject…trees. I can’t tell you how many times I proof read this book and I STILL ended up with one typo. I’m not too worried, though, as most of us only look at the pictures 🙂
Jul 26
An Aspen Stand is a very special place. Because of the extra moisture there, you’re more likely to see lush flora and more wildlife. Not long after I shook my camera at this stand, a Mule Deer passed nearby. CLICK HERE to read a description of a stand.
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