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Posts from the ‘Sonoran Desert’ Category

Saguaro Blur

I haven’t shaken my camera yet this month so here’s a blurry shot of a Saguaro. I used Singh-Ray’s Vari-ND to get a slow shutterspeed. It’s a pricey filter but if you like smooth waterfalls or photos like this Saguaro, it’s invaluable.

Early Morning

View of Superstitions from Marcus Landslide Trail captured yesterday morning.

Sunset Ride

The rider didn’t quite make it to the top but his riding skill was impressive non the less! This is near the junction of the Tom’s Thumb Trail and East End Trail. One of our many favorites for a sunset hike.

They Came From….

During a recent hike with a friend on a dark, overcast day, we rounded a corner and saw this scene. My friend saw dead Cholla while I saw creatures from Outer Space 🙂


A xenolith (Ancient Greek meaning “foreign rock”) is a rock fragment which becomes enveloped in a larger rock during hardening. I captured this great xenolith in the Marcus Landslide area yesterday. Hope I can remember this location (forgot my GPS) so I can catch the Hedgehog and Brittlebush in bloom. What a scene that would be!

Tangled Web

I noticed this spider late yesterday and was mesmerized. He was repairing his web and I could hardly believe how fast he was doing it. I grabbed a quick handheld shot but didn’t have my ISO high enough so it wasn’t in focus. A little Pixel Bender Oil Paint made it good enough for photo of the day. I hope to get a better picture of him/her later.

Rock Knob Tortoise

My willing climber gives perspective to the Rock Knob Tortoise (on right) and a Giant Head (left).


This is a great time of year to capture silhouettes at sunrise because you don’t have to get up very early. Then even if you’re not lucky enough to have a willing subject, you can always count on the Saguaros!