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Posts from the ‘Sonoran Desert’ Category


I’m late with my photo this morning because I forgot I was leading a couple of friends out to the Marcus Landslide. Thank goodness they sent me a note to let me know they were leaving their house or I would have been sitting at my computer in my PJs when they came πŸ™‚ (Fire devastated most trees in the Landslide area leaving these skeletons. I captured this one using my infrared converted Canon 5D. The color is result of a custom white balance.)

Cell Phone-ography

A quick shot with my DroidX using one of my many creative apps. Such fun! I’m jealous, though, of you iPhone 4 users because you have many, many more creative options. CLICK HERE for some of the most popular. When my contract is up, I’ll be getting an iPhone through Verizon. That’s two years away which seems a long way away BUT by then, the camera in these devices is bound to have improved by leaps and bounds!

Over the McDowells

I went on a wonderful 8 mile hike yesterday in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve with two fellow wanna-be botanists. We had a blast locating particular species that grow at elevation. My two friends had not done this North to South over the mountain trail so they were ooing and ahhing at the vistas. The scenery was spectacular, as you can see so I’m still in awe every time I do it. This photo shows approximately the half way point as we’re heading down to the trailhead. All in all……a fantastic day with plenty of flower sightings. I think we’re in for a great Spring!

Anemone Tuberosa

Went on a hike in Cave Creek with the Desert Foothill Lands Trust people on Saturday. It was an extra treat because Steve Jones (MSC’s favorite botanist) was along! He identified this sprouting plant as beingΒ Anemone Tuberosa aka Desert Anemene. It’s difficult to find in full bloom because they close early in the morning but I’ve been lucky the last couple of years.


Cholla Sunrise

This spectacular sunrise lasted only a couple of minutes so by the time I got my camera and positioned myself, I only got two shots. Thankfully, one was in focus. In my rush to get into position below the cholla skeleton, I bumped into a particularly nasty Prickly Pear Cactus. Was it worth getting glocids in the side of my head? I got the shot so;..Yes πŸ™‚

Captured in my backyard this morning.

Cholla Elk

Another Cholla creature πŸ™‚

Female Phainopepla

A female Phainopepla. Two images combined using Multiply blend mode.

Marcus Landslide Rocks!

The boulders in and around the Marcus Landslide trail are humongous! Just compare these with the Paloverde and the giant Saguaro growing among them. Construction on a new North Access parking lot starts soon and this trail is expected to be officially opened in the Spring of 2012. Because it is relatively easy hiking with spectacular views of the Superstitions and Mazatzals and has incredible geology, I predict it will be one of the most popular trails in the Preserve.