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Posts from the ‘Impressions’ Category

Watchman Campground

A break in the rain presents a photo opportunity.
Canon SX1 IS converted to B/W with Topaz Detail.

Oak Creek Abstract

Sycamore and blue sky in Oak Creek

Oak Creek Reflections

The reflected colors are from the sky, red rocks and Sycamore trees.

Fall Impressions

These Aspen tree abstracts were created by moving my camera during the exposure.

Oak Creek Collage

We spent the last two days of our road trip in Sedona camped along Oak Creek.

Quaking Aspen

I did a little research as to why the leaves on these beautiful trees twist and turn (quake) like they do and found the following on Wikipedia: “It is thought to help protect the trees from severe winds, perhaps by helping dissipate energy more uniformly throughout the canopy”. That was only one of several very interesting explanations. Read the others here: Quaking Aspen

As most know, I love shaking my camera at things so here’s a different take on one of the most popular ways of shooting Aspens.

Haviland Lake Reflection

No sun but I was still able to capture this great reflection on Haviland Lake.

Fall Approaching

An upcoming road trip to Colorado has me thinking about shaking my camera at fall color again. Can’t wait! Here’s an example taken last year at Sedona’s West Fork Trail.