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Posts from the ‘Holidays’ Category

Halloween Creation

A dead tree, two owls and some texture combined to make a Halloween inspired image.

Home Town Parade

I had to include a photo from today’s 4th of July parade down Route 66 in Williams! Lots of fun to photograph. Stormy skies threatened but the rain held off long enough for the parade to finish and everyone to get back to their cars.

4th of July Celebration

What better way to celebrate the fourth of July than downing a favorite desert! A strawberry, blueberry and whipped cream flag, custard filling and a shortbread crust lined with dark chocolate hits the spot for me.. YUM 🙂

Happy New Year


Lensbaby Luminaria

A composite of two images taken at the Desert Botanical Garden Luminaria this year and last. The stars (this year) are a result of using a Creative Aperture Disk in my Lensbaby which turns any point of light into the shape cutout of the disk. The kit includes some blank disks too so you might see some kitties in the near future 🙂

Lensbaby Stars and couple were both captured at ISO 1600.

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone Joy, Peace and Happiness.

McCormick Railroad Park

We checked out McCormick Railroad Park for the first time this past Saturday night and found out what the big deal was! First…it’s a must for anyone with children or if you are a child at heart. For me, it was a chance to see their elaborate light displays. Thomas the Train (upper right) greeted us at the entrance and it just got better from there. Fun, fun 🙂

Holiday Lights

Holiday lights drive-bys last night. Love the Saguaros wrapped in lights!