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Posts from the ‘Butterfly’ Category

Relocating a Queen

One part of my yard has an infestation of turf grubs which have probably come from the nearby golf course. I’ve tried every natural pesticide to no avail. What these grubs do is eat plant roots which doesn’t kill the plant but stunts its growth. For instance, I’ve tried for 5 years to establish some Milkweed (asclepias subulata) but the plants have barely grown in all that time. Even so, I typically end up with at least one caterpillar a year. This year there was only one bloom and very few offshoots so the caterpillar (a Queen) was out of food very quickly. I remembered seeing a good sized Milkweed plant along a path I hike every day so this morining, I decided to cut off the stem my caterpillar was on and relocate him/her. It was about a mile and I’m sure everyone wondered what I was carrying. I found the plant and waited for the caterpillar to start moving and it did crawl over to the other plant. However, it seemed to know it wasn’t home because it moved back and forth, up and down as if to be smelling. I will go back tomorrow morning to see if its still there. I’m hopeful it makes the journey to becoming a Queen Butterfly!

Skipper on Bee Balm

I don’t have an identification for this little guy yet but I do know it is a Skipper. It’s the only one I noticed while exploring up at Schultz Pass and he was gone in a flash so I’m happy to have at least one shot. Canon 180mm Macro lens. ISO 400, 1/1000 sec, f/10. Probably my favorite lens.


I loved this shot of an Atlantis Fritillary (Speyeria atlantis) and decided I would play up the dreamy look by intentionally de-focusing.

Pine White

Yesterday I posted a shot of a White that had me puzzled because of the orange markings. As it turned out, that coloration identifies the female of the species. Today, I’m posting a shot of the male Pine White. He’s enjoying nectar from a Cutleaf Coneflower.

White Butterfly

I captured this White butterfly on the Shultz Tank trail. A gorgeous but extremely difficult butterfly to photograph. They won’t sit still! Thanks to Tom H for the identity. It’s a Pine White. That’s what I thought but the orange edging confused me. I found out today that the female has orange. Thanks to my Cazba(.org) friends!


Schultz Creek

Only a few wildflowers out along the Schultz Creek Trail but there were lots of butterflies! This little Blue (don’t know exact species) was enjoying a drink from a Sneezeweed flower. Captured with my Canon 70-200mm with a 1.4x extension tube.

Thicket Hairstreak

There were lots of Thicket Hairstreak as well as many other tiny butterflies on the wonderful Viet Springs trail last week. Rarely sitting still for long, they’re a challenge to photograph. I applied art filters to disguise the very busy background.

Thanks to Tom H. for the ID.

Variable Checkerspot

A Variable Checkerspot captured on Mingus Mountain. The background was very busy and mostly dead stuff so I added a couple of textures to make it a little more interesting.