Every time I buy tomatoes that are still on the vine, I tell myself to photograph them as soon as I get home. That hasn’t happened yet but this morning I got one at least! I used Photomatix to process a single image (cool) and then applied a fun filter called Fractalius. Both these programs accentuate any lines or textures. Below is the original file.
Tag Archives: ezpixels
velcro fruit
White Ratany produces a little burr fruit with barbs that attach easily to anything it touches. Note that there’s one main curved barb. Check out the photo below to see the velcro-like barbs at the end of each spine. By the way, they are not sharp like cactus so they’re easier to remove from your clothing.
cleo and cloe
Cleo (L) and sister Cloe in their kitty walk enclosure. This is a very quick handheld and not so great HDR from this morning. The cats were in total shade so I set my 40D to ISO 400 and auto bracketed to produce 3 different exposures. The newest version of Photomatix does an excellent job of aligning handheld images.
watch and learn
flicker fledgling
This morning (still shooting through the glass sliding door), I saw what I thought was a Gila Woodpecker fledgling but then the parent arrived and it was clear it was a Guilded Flicker because of the spotted underside. Otherwise, they look very similar to the Gila. These photos were shot handheld at ISO400 with a Sigma 18-200mm lens at 200mm.
The fledgling immediately started begging and was fed. I can’t tell if it was mom or dad but I think it was dad.
fledgling with father
I was a little more patient this morning and was able to get a shot of father and son. As you can see, the little guy is still expecting to be fed. He does eat a little on his own, though. (Note the difference in lighting from yesterday. Yesterday it was raining but bright. This morning is overcast and darker. (ISO 800, 200mm, shot handheld through glass door))
Note: I later found that this was a second baby and possibly a female since the feathers weren’t as red.
48 degree flower
It was 48 degrees this morning but this Echinopsis still managed to bloom! It was also raining so this is a quick handheld shot at ISO800. Yes…an external light source would have been a good idea.
echinopsis hybrid
Cloud cover this morning caused the color of the new blooms on my echinopsis to become deeply saturated. Speaking of weather, it’s been very strange here. We had record heat two days ago and this morning it’s in the low 60s! Being at elevation, we have an advantage of about 7-9 degrees which sure helps on the hot days.