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flicker fledgling

Flicker Fledgling
This morning (still shooting through the glass sliding door), I saw what I thought was a Gila Woodpecker fledgling but then the parent arrived and it was clear it was a Guilded Flicker because of the spotted underside. Otherwise, they look very similar to the Gila. These photos were shot handheld at ISO400 with a Sigma 18-200mm lens at 200mm.
Guilded Flicker fledgling begging to be fed
The fledgling immediately started begging and was fed. I can’t tell if it was mom or dad but I think it was dad.
Guilded Flicker feeding fledgling

Paper Bag Bush

paper bag bush
I spotted a Paper Bag Bush (Salazaria mexicana) on our hike yesterday morning. I’m always saying something is cool but this is the coolest! Each tiny little flower leaves behind a pod with a fruit (seed) inside. These pods puff up and look like blown up paper bags. Another common name for the bush is Bladder Sage but Paper Bag is the fun name 🙂

bladder sage seed pod

paper bag bush seed pods


checkerspot butterfly
A friend and I saw dozens of these little butterflies at Bartlett Lake yesterday afternoon. In researching the identity, I think it is a Chlosyne commonly called Checkerspot. It was less than 2 inches wide. There were others that were about one half in wide with similar markings. Males and females maybe? My friend and I were just happy that it held still long enough for us both to get a photo!

checkerspot underside