This photo shows why Painopepla are mistakenly called “black cardinals”. FYI:They love mistletoe berries and are responsible for spreading it to other trees. My goal is to catch one in the act but no luck so far. This is a grab shot of one resting in the Ocotillo outside our front door. (Captured with my Canon point and shoot at 200mm).
Tag Archives: ocotillo
Some lighting conditions make it impossible to get an even exposure. In those cases, give HDR a try. Use a tripod and shoot four to fives images at least one stop apart. I then processed my exposures using Photomatix Pro.
chance of rain
Infrared capture makes the desert look gloomier than it was.
ocotillo in infrared
New growth
Ocotillo (Fouguieria splendens) is sold bare-rooted and literally looks dead when you plant it so it’s exciting to see new growth. Red is a sign of stress, though, so the leaves will probably die from the cold. There’ll be more later.
Ocotillo at sunset
Almost every evening, the ordinarily dead looking stalks of the Ocotillo begin to glow.
I have tried to capture it many ways but none translated as well as moving my camera
during a long exposure. The yellow-green you see in the background is a creosote bush.