Awwww…..a little Penquin rock 🙂
Spotted on Rock Knob and not so little, actually. He was about 10 feet tall.
Awwww…..a little Penquin rock 🙂
Spotted on Rock Knob and not so little, actually. He was about 10 feet tall.
Frustrating Photoshop issues rearing their ugly heads but I did enjoy a hike to Toms Thumb this am.
Here’s a new rock face to add to my folder. Looks like Pacman, don’t you think? Sleepy Pacman 🙂
I was lucky to get a person in the image for scale (lower right).
Thanks to my friend Barry who spent all afternoon troubleshooting with me!
I try to keep an eye out for future photo ops for this blog and then write them down so I don’t forget.
Yesterday as I was spreading the rip rap in the washes, I found several beautifully colored rocks and
one that had an impression etched in it of what was probably roots.
To me, the impression looked like a Chinese drawing of a Bonsai tree and the rock looked like pottery.
Definitely worthy of another photo session so I’ll put it my other treasured rocks. It’s a big pile 🙂
Sunset from Montano del Oro last night.
(On vacation with intermittent internet).