Tag Archives: golden barrel cactus

whatcha lookin at

When I see the cats in this position, I know they see either an animal or birds.

This time they see a male and female House Finch enjoying something on the Golden Barrels.


If it were Spring, I’d say they were gathering wool for their nests but there must be
some insects or something else yummy in the wool because the seeds are in the fruit.



golden barrel

The blooms of the Golden Barrel (Echinocactus grusonii) cactus are very small and because of their color, most people probably never notice them. I make it a habit, though, to look for new growth and blooms every morning before I start working in my yard. (yes…it’s hot right now!)
These blooms are on one of the 3 Golden Barrels I bought not long after moving to Arizona. Since then, I’ve added more in various sizes. I just read that they don’t bloom until they are about 20 years old so we have a little time to go on the newer ones. The best part about Goldens is no maintenance is needed. They are practically indestructible! In the link above, I read that it also has the nickname “mother in law’s cushion”. Ouch 🙂