During a hike to Dixie Mine this morning, we were treated to a plethora of wildflowers! It seemed to be just beginning so this coming weekend should be great. I’ve only posted a few but here’s a list of what we saw: Fiddleneck, Cryptantha, Comb Seed, London Rocket (an invasive), Desert Wishbone, Fairy Duster, Chuparosa, Storkbill Filaree, Microseris (silver puff), Blue Fiesta Flower, Bluedick, Phacelia, Gilia, Goldfields, Chia, Lupine, Mexican Poppies, Dainty Desert Hideseed, OWL CLOVER (lots), Buckwheat, Fleabane, Wooly Daisy, Desert Chicory, California Suncup, Golden Eye, Desert Marigold, Lacepod, Rattlesnake weed, Indian Mallow, Miners Lettuce and several other flowers that were just on the verge of blooming. All in all, a very fun morning 🙂