blend modes

blend modes result
This image is the result of blending text and a photo. (The windmill sits very close to the truck from yesterday’s post. The text came from an old photography book (1941) in a chapter regarding shooting into the sun).
blend modes
Blending text with an image is very easy with the help of Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Open up the photo you want to use and then drag the text photos on top. Ideally the pages should be white with black lettering but you can use a Levels adjustment to increase the contrast of the lettering and make the background more white if needed. A click of the white eyedropper on the background works well. Then change the blend mode of each text layer to “darken” or “multiply”. The white areas will disappear leaving the text showing. (Some of the other blend modes in the area of multiply might work better for you so it’s good to experiment). Clean-up may be needed but sometimes it works perfectly.