Tag Archives: parasite

desert broomrape

Last week, I discovered an unusual plant poking through the ground. I’d never seen before so I looked through all my books and found that it is Desert broomrape (Orobanche cooperi). When I checked on it late yesterday, most of the plant was gone (Javelina, no doubt) but there were a couple of flowers left. It turns out to be a root parasite of nearby shrubs and I’m thinking that like Ratany, it makes itself pretty so people like me won’t pull it up. Besides, how much water could this pretty little thing take from all the Creosote and Jojoba around it 🙂

desert broomrape (Orobanche cooperi)
desert broomrape (Orobanche cooperi)

desert broomrape (Orobanche cooperi)
desert broomrape (Orobanche cooperi)