Tag Archives: new year

twenty ten…time to begin?

happy new year
Today is the day we typically start something. Maybe this will be the year you start a blog?

Photographer friends often comment that it must take lots of time to keep it up. In the beginning, yes it did. First I had to get used to the blog process and then I had to remember to take a photo. It didn’t take long, though, for it to become a habit I truly enjoy. Potential photo ops are always on my mind so photography continues to be fun every day even if I’m just shooting out of a window.

The content of the photo isn’t the most important thing to me. It’s the process. When you always carry a camera, you’re presented with many more photo ops than if you planned an outing. You’ll encounter challenging situations like low light, extreme light or quickly moving subjects, more often. You’ll make exposure mistakes but because you’re trying to shoot every day, you’re more likely to remember the solutions. Before long, you’ll find yourself setting up your camera for any given situation with lightening speed and almost automatically. Really!

So, for me, the pros of keeping a blog have far outweighed the cons.

Besides, most people would really enjoy seeing what you’re shooting and a blog is an easy way to share. It doesn’t have to be a daily blog. You could post a photo once a week. SO…if you’ve been thinking about it, I hope you’ll give it a try!