jojoba pickin’ time

This property may not have had any boulders but wow does it have a lot of Jojoba!
Having shrubs that produce fruit you can eat beats having a nice big boulder any day.



It’s interesting to watch the shell curl more and more each day until it literally pushes the fruit out.
Harris Antelope Ground Squirrels then bury them all over the yard and forget the locations 🙂

2 thoughts on “jojoba pickin’ time”

  1. They are great as a nibble snack, but don’t eat too many at a sitting or in a day, as they are hard for your filters to deal with.

    The guy over at Reevis Mountain we went to visit said he and one of his trek groups got really sick one time, and he’s sworn off them entirely.

    I like to eat one or two. The courtyard at my old job had a nice plant. They are great appetite suppressants.

  2. Thanks for the heads up Jenn! I can’t help wonder if something else was going on with this group, though. When they’re in season, I’ve been eating handfuls of them for the past 15 years with no ill effects.

    I started roasting them a couple of years ago which helps cut a little of the bitterness. Here’s how:

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