
If you live near cactus, especially Cholla and Prickly Pear cactus, sooner or later you’re bound to have an encounter with Glochids. Generally, they’re not as painful as spines but unlike spines which you can easily grab and pull out (ouch!), Glochids are tiny and hair-like. Many can be microscopic in size so invariably, you never get them all. Worse is that sometimes they break leaving a little bit under your skin. The irritation can last for weeks and if you’re sensitive, it can end up being quite painful.

I was shoveling a little too close to this Prickly Pear and brushed my hand as I drew back.
I was shoveling a little too close to this Prickly Pear and brushed my hand as I drew back.

Removing glochids:
1. Cover with duct tape and peel off. (I’ve tried this but never again. Although it does remove some of the Glochids, it can hurt as you apply the tape over them and many break off leaving parts under the skin).

2. Use Elmers glue; let it dry an then peel it off. (I loved this idea so I tried it. Have you ever waited for Elmers glue to dry out completely on your skin? You think it’s dry but it never dried completely for me so it was ultimately a waste of time.)

3. Tweezers and a good strong light source. (This is my personal choice. Specifically, I use the thin tweezers that are inside my Swiss Army knife).

3 thoughts on “glochids”

  1. Ouch.

    I will take spines over glochids any day. There’s always one last glochid that stays around to irritate for days. Bleh.

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