Rock Live-forever

Rock Live-forever is the common name of the plant below. What?! Makes you wonder who’s in charge of naming. The latin name, on the other hand, is Dudleya collomiae so I’m going to call it Dudley 🙂 . Anyway, I once again have Steve Jones to thank for identifying this plant we saw yesterday at The Lookout in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve.

Rock Live-forever - Dudlea collomiae
Rock Live-forever (Dudlea collomiae

Speaking of the brand new “The Lookout” spot, here’s a shot of the sign and the view in that direction. The haze makes it difficult to see but the fountain in Fountain Hills was on at the time.
The Lookout in McDowell Sonoran Preserve
The Lookout in McDowell Sonoran Preserve

The photo below shows the view in another direction where you can see the Windgate Trail, Inspiration Viewpoint and the Gateway. All in all, we dubbed The Lookout as the most spectacular viewpoint in the Preserve. Can’t wait to go back to capture it in better light.
The Viewpoint in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve
The Viewpoint in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Finally…here’s a shot of one of the new Tom’s Thumb trail signs.
Tom's Thumb Trail Sign in McDowell Sonoran Preserve
Tom's Thumb Trail Sign in McDowell Sonoran Preserve