thank you aol

digital imaging group website

Click the above image to go to the Digital Imaging Group’s (DIG) new website. We’ve migrated from TextPattern to Word Press so I’ve spent the last several days customizing a Word Press template to work for us. Click here to see original. The layout was perfect but the red text had to go. Do I know what I’m doing? Not really! I know just enough to change colors, images and a little layout.

I have AOL to thank for my bravery in editing the CSS (stylesheet) of this blog. Like many my age, AOL was my web connection during my formative years 🙂

They had great user forums and help desks so after much trial and error, I learned just enough html to be comfortable. That was 14 years ago so I’ve obviously had lots of practice since then but it all still boils down to those first tips from AOL.

The point I’m trying to make is that I can totally relate to how nervous people are when thinking about starting a website or blog. Don’t be scared! It’s so much easier than you think. Really! Taking the first step is the hardest part.