certified desert landscaper

Yep! That title will be added to my business card in a couple of weeks. 🙂 No plans to go into the business, though. I just wanted to educate myself so I could do my own landscaping. The final session of this course is typically spent landscaping a Habitat for Humanity house but this time the house was chosen by the city of Guadalupe. We’re in the second week of installation. The first week we prepped the lot by removing granite, contouring the lot and setting in boulders. This week we dug trenches, put in pipes and put together the irrigation manifold. Next week we plant!

Assignment house BEFORE - we had to remove plastic under that granite!
Assignment house BEFORE - we had to remove plastic under that granite!

Learning how to use a trencher
Learning how to use a trencher

The trencher couldn't reach everywhere
The trencher couldn't reach everywhere

How many landscape students does it take to .......:-)
How many landscape students does it take to .......:-)


One thought on “certified desert landscaper”

  1. As one newly-minted Certified Desert Landscaper (Tuesday class) to another, congratulations! I hope you were as excited as I was to get that piece of paper with the shiny gold seal. Good luck putting your knowledge to use in your yard – I’ll be doing the same.

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