The Queen Finally Arrived!

After over a month of going out every morning before sunrise, my perseverance finally paid off. Near the beginning of my hike this morning, 5 blooms on an Arizona Queen of the Night greeted me! I was beginning to think the buds were damaged somehow but Steve Jones, our botany expert, surmised the cactus were probably waiting for some trigger to bloom and I think he was right. We woke up this morning to heavily overcast skies and a strong chance of rain. This obviously made the Queen of the Night very happy 🙂
(click images to see full size)

5 thoughts on “The Queen Finally Arrived!”

  1. Congratulations! Persistence paid off! I saw my first on 10 July last year when it was also overcast and cool. If nothing else, maybe the flowers just stay open longer on cool, overcast mornings.

  2. Thanks Steve! I remember your text/email last year. You said I probably still had time to get to it before it closed but we were out or town 🙂
    Really looking forward to next year!!!

  3. Hoorah!! I know how much this meant to you–the prize of the summer. I remember that dried looking bush from our hike a few days ago and now, imagine those beautful flowers coming forth! Your early hours, hiking and watching, really paid off!

  4. Congrats Marianne! That is wonderful to see. Was that on the east side? And you have a bee to boot for scale, even better. Thanks!

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